Ingenuity Gaming Saves Lives with Successful Blood Donation Drive


On a sunny June 12th, the offices of Ingenuity Gaming at Embassy Oxygen Park, Noida, were filled with more than just the usual buzz of game development. A sense of shared purpose and community spirit permeated the air as our team stepped up to participate in a blood donation drive organized by the company.

A Day of Giving

From the moment the doors opened at 10 AM, the Busway area was abuzz with excitement. Volunteers from Rotary Noida Blood Bank greeted employees with warm smiles, guiding them through a smooth registration process. Comfortable recliners and refreshments awaited donors in the designated area, ensuring a pleasant and relaxing experience. The energy was infectious, as colleagues chatted and encouraged each other while waiting their turn to make a life-saving contribution.

Partners in Health

We were honored to partner with Rotary Noida Blood Bank for this drive. Their professionalism and dedication to ensuring the safety and well-being of both donors and recipients was truly inspiring. We extend our deepest gratitude to their team for making this event possible.

More Than a Game

At Ingenuity Gaming, we believe that our responsibility extends beyond creating engaging games,” said Sarthak Raheja, General Manager Revenue & Data Analytics at Ingenuity Gaming. “We strive to be a positive force in our community. Today’s turnout is a testament to our team’s generosity and compassion.”

Employee Testimonials

  • “I’m so proud to work for a company that values giving back. Donating blood is a small way I can make a big difference.”
    Mudit Mishra, Lead- Games QA
  • “It was my first time donating, and the whole process was surprisingly easy. I’m definitely going to do it again.”
    Navneet Singh, Graphics Manager

The Impact

By the end of the day, the Ingenuity Gaming team had donated an impressive 45 units of blood! This incredible act of generosity has the potential to save up to 135 lives. The impact of our collective effort will be felt throughout the Noida community and beyond.

Looking Ahead

The success of this drive has fueled our passion for community engagement. We’re already planning our next blood donation event, and we encourage other companies to join us in this life-saving mission.

Giving blood is a simple act that can make a profound difference. We encourage everyone to consider donating if they are eligible. To find out more about blood donation and how you can get involved, please visit [].